Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started
Publisher Tools
Fraud and prohibited traffic
Account Settings
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Getting started

How can I become a trusted Maxrev affiliate?

A trusted Maxrev affiliate is a publisher who attracts high-quality traffic on beneficial terms. There are many bonuses available for trusted affiliates, such as increased rates, a personal account manager, free creatives, and much more.

How do I make money with Maxrev?

Here’s how we work: you promote offers posted on our platform using a unique ID link. When a user clicks on your link and performs a target action, you get a payment. The target action (otherwise referred to as a conversion) is defined in the offer details. You can promote offers in a variety of ways: using your own website, Social Media, Google ads.

What verticals does Maxrev work in?

We work in the verticals of iGaming; Casino, Lottery and Betting and Esports.

What countries does Maxrev work with?

We work with affiliates from all over the world.

Do I have to pay to sign up?

No, it’s free to sign up.

How do I register with Maxrev?

To join us, fill in this form.

How does the Maxrev support team work?

Support specialists respond as quickly as possible, typically within an hour. You can contact support by texting your personal account manager.

What information can be provided by a personal account manager?

Personal account managers are assigned to trusted Maxrev affiliates. They provide all the necessary information about offers and payments and help affiliates grow and scale.

What is

Maxrev is an AI powered iGaming Affiliate Network. We help our affiliates monetize traffic and we provide a full range of brand promotion services to advertisers.

What is a cap?

A cap is the number of leads (per day or in total) that an advertiser allows from a specific traffic source or affiliate.

How do I choose an offer?

Your personal account manager and our support team have complete information about the hottest GEOs and offers. Write to us and we will help you choose the best offer for you!

How do I activate an offer?

Some offers are available immediately after registration. You can find them in your personal account in the «Available offers » section. Other offers require approval from the advertiser: you will need to describe the traffic sources you are planning to use and provide your statistics. How do I create a request to activate an offer? Contact your personal account manager.

How long does it take to activate an offer?

The period before activation may depend on the offer conditions. On average, we activate an offer within one business day.

What are sub accounts (subIDs)?

Sub accounts (also known as subIDs) are parameters that are added at the end of your referral link. They are used to track the quality of the traffic source, creatives, etc.

You will see which sources generate more conversions, and you will be able to analyze your traffic in detail. There are 5 subIDs that you can use with Maxrev. You can assign values to them, and these parameters are static.

In order to track subID dynamically, you can use the macros associated with the ad network you are going to work with. When the user clicks the link, the macros (for example, [SID] and [TID]) will be replaced with real values (for example, site ID and teaser ID). Each advertising network has its own set of macros that won’t work in another network.

What is PostBack and how do I configure It?

For in-depth traffic analysis, use traffic tracking tools. To work with them, you need to configure PostBack integration so that you would be able to export conversion statistics. Write to the support team or your personal account manager to get the instructions for adding a PostBack link to the Maxrev system.

What is CPA? What is Revshare?

CPA (Cost Per Action) is a payment model where a one-time payment is made for a target action. Most often, target actions include making the first deposit, signing up for a paid service (CPL — Cost Per Lead), installing an application (CPI — Cost Per Install), paying for a purchase (CPS — Cost Per Sale).

RevShare is a payment model where the advertiser keeps sharing a percentage of their income with an affiliate partner for the entire “lifetime” of the user.

What are SOI and DOI?

SOI (Single opt-in) is a subscription process where a conversion occurs as soon as the user enters their data (name, email, phone number, address, and/or other info) and confirms it.

DOI (Double opt-in) is a subscription process where a conversion occurs when the user first enters their data and then confirms it by entering an SMS code or by clicking on a link sent to them via email.

What is Smartlink?

Smartlink is a system that determines the best performing offer for each particular user according to statistics-based algorithm. In other words, by clicking on your affiliate link, the user will see the most suitable offer (by GEO, language, interests and other parameters).

What is offer KPI?

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are the advertiser’s requirements for the traffic. The conditions are specified in each offer. If the requirements are met, the affiliate will be paid for the traffic.

What is a test limit?

When you first activate an offer, you need to get qualified in order for your traffic to be recognized as high-quality. To do this, you need to provide a limited number of conversions in test mode. This number is called a test limit. When the test limit is reached, you need to stop the traffic, contact your account manager or support and let them know.

We will request feedback on your traffic from the advertiser. You will need to wait for the advertiser’s decision. If your traffic is approved, you can re-launch your ad campaigns.

How is traffic quality evaluated?

The advertiser evaluates user activity on the website, repeated website visits, conversion rates, repeated conversions, time spent on landing pages, bounce rates, and many other parameters. They make up the offer’s KPIs.

Some KPIs are not disclosed, but those are also very important. If these KPIs are not met after 50-100 registrations, the affiliate will get a negative rating from the advertiser. Most likely, the affiliate’s test traffic will still be paid for, but then the offer will be deactivated for this particular affiliate. If fraud attempts are detected during the test period, the affiliate will be banned from the Maxrev platform (for more information, see the «Fraud and prohibited traffic» section.

If at least 25-50% of traffic (depending on the conditions) meet all KPIs, including undisclosed ones, then an agreement may be reached with the affiliate featuring special terms regarding rates and limits.

The Maxrev team tests offers before activating them and checks whether it is possible to fulfill the KPIs suggested by the advertiser, so no offers in our system have the conditions that are impossible to meet.

Can I increase my rate?

We are always flexible with our trusted partners who attract high-quality traffic. Their rates may be increased. High volumes of good quality traffic are also a reason for raising your rate.

How often are statistics updated?

Click statistics are updated in real time. Conversion statistics are displayed either in real time or with some delay (from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours). For some offers, conversion statistics are updated only once a day. You can get accurate information about statistics from your personal account manager or from our support team.

Can I use my own landing pages?

This option is only available for some offers. For more information, contact your personal account manager.

Can I link my own domain?

This option is available per request.

How much are affiliates paid for a successful target action (conversion)?

The amounts of payments may vary depending on the terms of the offer. Payments can be seen in the list of offers in the «Payment» column, as well as on the offer page in the «Geography and paid goals» column.

Within the same offer, payments may also differ depending on the GEO and device type. This information is provided on the offer page and displayed on the statistics page.

Are payouts put on hold?

For new affiliates who have previously never worked with Maxrev, the first payout can be put on hold for 7 to 45 days. The length of the hold period depends on the type of offer, payment model, and other specific conditions.

It also depends on how quickly the advertiser validates the traffic. The advertiser tracks behavioral factors and LTV and makes forecast.

The initial limit for new affiliates is 50-100 CPL conversions or 10-20 CPA conversions (per day/total). Be sure to check this information with your personal account manager or through the ticket system.

If the offer description contains no information about the hold period, it means that there is no such requirement within this particular offer.

When do payouts take place?

Payouts are usually made 4 times a month, from Wednesday to Friday after 18:00. Statements are automatically generated on Tuesday at 12:00. An invoice includes all payments for the period between the previous and current Tuesday, as well as payments released from hold at the time of invoice generation.

If a payment cannot be made due to a hold and/or because no payment method is indicated, the funds will be paid out in the next invoice period as soon as the restrictions are removed and/or all payment method details are provided.

What is the minimum payout amount?

From $500.

To withdraw your money, you can use:
• Wire Transfer (from 1000 USD, EUR)
• USDT (from 500 USD)

Can I get paid early?

Yes, this option can be discussed with your personal account manager. Please note that early payouts are made only if a certain amount of traffic has been provided. We can also make an early payment in case of force majeure.

If we terminate our cooperation with the affiliate, we pay off all the money on the last day of work, but at least $30 for all traffic received and paid for by advertisers.

What types of traffic are prohibited by Maxrev?

We do not accept traffic that violates the law, such as phishing or fraudulent traffic.

Motivated traffic and bots are strictly prohibited. We do not accept:
— motivated traffic from paid-to-click sites and bux sites;
— cashback traffic: it is forbidden to pay users or offer other types of remuneration for clicking the link;
— bots, multiaccounts, any user fraud.
It is forbidden to mix high-quality and fraudulent traffic.

On what grounds can traffic be considered fraudulent?

We use an anti-fraud system. Traffic is validated both in automatic mode and manually, by our specialists.

Traffic is also monitored by advertisers. Advertisers evaluate a variety of behavioral factors and traffic ROI. These indicators include user activity on the website, repeated website visits, conversion rates, repeated conversions, time spent on landing pages, bounce rates, and many other metrics.

Advertisers do not disclose some of these parameters (KPIs) to prevent fraudulent conversions from prohibited sources.

If the traffic statistics do not meet the KPIs (including those that are specified in the offer details and those that are not) and/or suspicious activity is detected that indicates an attempt to attract motivated traffic instead of target one, such traffic will be considered fraudulent.

What measures are taken against affiliates who violate the anti-fraud rules and provide prohibited types of traffic?

If an affiliate violates the rules listed above, the following measures are applied to them:
— any traffic recognized as fraudulent is not paid for;
— the account of this dishonest affiliate is banned;
— their further cooperation with Maxrev is impossible.

How do I change my payment method?

To change your payment method, go to the «Profile» section of your personal account. You can choose a payment method from the list of available options.

I can't access my personal account!

If you can’t log in to your personal account, write to your account manager or our support team at [email protected] and we will help you.

How can I change my password?

When logging in to the platform, click on the «Reset Password» button. A link to log in will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. If you don’t have access to your email account, please contact your account manager or our support team.

I want to work at Maxrev!

We are always happy to work with active and talented people. Send us an email at [email protected] and attach your CV.

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